Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who would overcome in a legal case?

Client was caught committing crime, yet while getting investigated is not sentenced for 2 years...violating his Due Process clause for fair, speedy trial, etc. It is important to mention that investigators could have sentenced him much quicker, but chose to prolong due most likely so that they can collect more money out of the investigation. (can most likely be proven.)

Can client win on this technicality?Who would overcome in a legal case?
Investigators do not sentence anyone, the court does. If you are talking about the time from the crime till the charges are filed, that time limit is established by the statutes of limitations. Depending on the crime it could be as short as 6 months or they may never expire.

If you are talking about the time charges are filed until the trial starts, if he has not waived speedy trial (many do as it allows them to spend more time to prepare a defense) then he may have a case.

Investigators do not ';collect more money out of the investigation'; because they take longer to put a case together. If they don't have a lot of work to do they could theoretically get paid to sit at the police department doing nothing waiting for a case to come in. Police work is a full time, not a part time, piece work job.

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