Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is it legal to produce images (dolls in this case) of famous people without paying any licensing fees?

ie - I create a doll in your image, are you able to sue me?Is it legal to produce images (dolls in this case) of famous people without paying any licensing fees?
No, it's not legal and absolutey I could and would sue you! There have been many instances where doll makers had to stop production because they didn't have the authority to use a star's name %26amp; likeness. There are always people who want to cash in on another person's fame, luckily there are laws to protect against them.Is it legal to produce images (dolls in this case) of famous people without paying any licensing fees?
Oh yeah...you can produce anythig and give it away, but if you start charging for it, they have a copywright on their own images and/or likeness.

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